The right wheel for every application.
Our products drive a wide range of industries throughout the world From the extraction and processing of raw materials, to intralogistics and through to transport and supply systems, renowned manufacturers count on our expertise, our quality and our comprehensive product range.
From small PEVOLON® conveyor rollers and heavy-duty double rollers with PEVOPUR® wheels through to VULKOLLAN® press-on tyres: more than 30,000 items with diameters of 30 mm to 1,800 mm and load capacities of up to 80 tonnes illustrate our range of products and our expertise.
All of our drive, load and guiding wheels as well as our press-on tyres, running wheels and pallet rollers must meet the highest standards every day. From short-term loads to continuous operation, in clean rooms or in mining, our products always offer you security and reliability.